Tuesday, June 30, 2009

harvested Asian Tempest and Korean Red and will harvest GA Crystal tonight. Cure for about 3-4 weeks and it's ready to eat.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Almost ready to harvest the Korean Red and Asian Tempest. Trying to let the garlic dry down a bit. Still getting rain almost everyday. It would be nice for it to dry down a bit. Seems a little stress helps to size up the bulbs. Don't want it dry too much.

Friday, June 12, 2009

We are now open for Advanced Orders for 2009. Get your order in for garlic before July 1st and receive a bonus bulb! Crops are looking good!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I dug around the Siberian and Korean Red. The cloves are forming. In the next 3-5 weeks they will really get going. We will cut back on the watering and all fertilizing has stopped at the beginning of June. It has been an odd spring in CO. Very wet and cool. Temps are below normal by about 5-10 degrees. Some days even more drastic swings.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

A whole mess of scapes. These are good eating. Throw them in a stew or stir-fry. Also, eat them raw or use like a green onion. Still pulling weeds. It has been a odd spring and so far early summer. The weather is cool and cloudy. We could use some heat. The porcelains like the heat. Although nice not to have to turn on the water.