Monday, August 24, 2009

Now that the garlic is harvested we plant Buckwheat. It is a great green manure. After it flowers till it back into the soil.
We have started to ship garlic but it is taking longer for the garlic to cure as this past spring was very wet.

Friday, August 7, 2009

We are in the waiting stage. The garlic is drying down. Some varieties are dry and now it is time for trimming up the roots and stems as well as cleaning up the bulb. I have been seperating the smallers bulbs and have starting eating some. Fresh garlic can't be beat! It's juicy and tasty. We have planted buckwheat in the small plot behind the house. Buckwheat is a green manure. After it blossoms till it into the soil. You can also use legumes, alfalfa, and other seed.