Monday, August 24, 2009

Now that the garlic is harvested we plant Buckwheat. It is a great green manure. After it flowers till it back into the soil.
We have started to ship garlic but it is taking longer for the garlic to cure as this past spring was very wet.

Friday, August 7, 2009

We are in the waiting stage. The garlic is drying down. Some varieties are dry and now it is time for trimming up the roots and stems as well as cleaning up the bulb. I have been seperating the smallers bulbs and have starting eating some. Fresh garlic can't be beat! It's juicy and tasty. We have planted buckwheat in the small plot behind the house. Buckwheat is a green manure. After it blossoms till it into the soil. You can also use legumes, alfalfa, and other seed.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Pulled Music out today. Looking great. Here it is drying in the garlic tree.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Just harvested Russian Giant and Russian Red. Although, the Red turned out larger than the Giant. Wanted them to dry down a bit before we harvested but the rains keep coming about everyday. Had a few that rotted because too much rain but numbers are minimal. Interesting how garlic wrappers can change color from area to area. We put in Russian Red from the NE USA and the wrapper had a dark red color and at harvest it was white with splotches of red. Just happens. Different climates produce different results.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

harvested Asian Tempest and Korean Red and will harvest GA Crystal tonight. Cure for about 3-4 weeks and it's ready to eat.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Almost ready to harvest the Korean Red and Asian Tempest. Trying to let the garlic dry down a bit. Still getting rain almost everyday. It would be nice for it to dry down a bit. Seems a little stress helps to size up the bulbs. Don't want it dry too much.

Friday, June 12, 2009

We are now open for Advanced Orders for 2009. Get your order in for garlic before July 1st and receive a bonus bulb! Crops are looking good!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I dug around the Siberian and Korean Red. The cloves are forming. In the next 3-5 weeks they will really get going. We will cut back on the watering and all fertilizing has stopped at the beginning of June. It has been an odd spring in CO. Very wet and cool. Temps are below normal by about 5-10 degrees. Some days even more drastic swings.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

A whole mess of scapes. These are good eating. Throw them in a stew or stir-fry. Also, eat them raw or use like a green onion. Still pulling weeds. It has been a odd spring and so far early summer. The weather is cool and cloudy. We could use some heat. The porcelains like the heat. Although nice not to have to turn on the water.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Scapes on the Porcelains have popped. We will stop fertilizing at this point. Water and weeding. We have about 2 inches of mulch down. Helps a lot to keep the weeds down.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

We have had a wet spring and mainly at this point keeping up with the weeds. Also, if we find a plant that is not growing as well as the others we will pull it just to keep any pest or disease out. We will be opening soon for Advanced Orders.

Monday, April 27, 2009

We put bone meal down before this snow hit last night. You never can tell this time of year how the weather will turn. Fortunately the garlic has good roots down as you can see in this photo it is about 8-10 inches high. This photo is Romanian Red.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Two days ago we added a small amount of bonemeal to side dress the garlic. Colorado soil isn't the most nutrient rich soil and it takes a little help. We use bonemeal because it breaks down slower and we have found that the slower the nutrients absorb the more vigorous the plant. Watered the garlic afterwards but not much because the mulch is keeping the plants well moist. One thing about here is that we get a lot of sun.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

It is 10 degrees this morning and snow. Covered the garlic with leaves and should be alright. As well the garlic has a cover of snow.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Added more mulch yesterday. The nights are below freezing and with several tips emerging and some already between an 1 and 2 inches thought it would be a good idea. Will need to foliar feed soon. There is some debate as to whether it helps or not. The mulch I used was ground up leaves. They seem to hold to the ground well even in a strong wind.

Monday, March 2, 2009

This is a shoot of Music. Rather early but a wonderful sight!
Checked the garlic yesterday and more is coming up as the temps have been in the 60s and today in the 70s. I put another layer of leaf mulch on top. I am sure we will have cold weather again and want to avoid or limit the freezing of green shoots. Garlic is a hardy plant and usually it can take the cold but good to limit possible loss.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

We have had unseasonably warm weather here in Northern CO. The Music and Romain Red are starting to pop beneath the mulch. I am happy to see that they have taken hold but would rather they not come out as it is too early. I'm wondering it others are experiencing similar results this time of year.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The garlic has been in the ground since end of October. Soon the shoots will be poking through. For some they may already be showing through the mulch. It gets me very excited to see them popping through. Soon it will be time to start pulling weeds.